Sunday, 26 January 2014


"A portrait of my little boy, once a week, every week, in 2014."

Killing two birds with one stone this week as I'm joining in with the 52 Project on Practicing Simplicity and Handmade Monday on Handmade Harbour.

This photo (please excuse the detritis from the junk room spare room) was taken in the middle of a rainy, lazy Sunday afternoon. I was sorting some washing, when Owen got involved and all of a sudden we were playing shop through the clothes airer. He was very entertained by the whole process but I felt I could make the experience a bit more exciting, so I grabbed a few bits of felt i had and not too long later we had a jaunty looking shop front (with added post box ... just for fun). 
Better photo of the shop. He LOVED it! So simple but so effective.

Sadly again using camera phone pictures (and even a borrowed one - the portrait).


  1. Made-up games are just the best, aren't they? i love the way you can see little ones using their imaginations.

  2. Nothing like making a game out of everyday furniture!

  3. Love it. Could double up as a puppet theatre.

  4. Thanks all. Yes lots of made up games at the moment! Lots of fun!

  5. Cheers me up seeing your little Owen having a good time. Will look at clothes dryers differently in future ;)

  6. What a fabulous idea, so simple but very effective.

  7. Crafting for the grown ups and play time for the kids - the best of both worlds. He looks like he's having lots of fun.


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