Saturday, 11 June 2011

More Preparation - Hair Bobbles

So I’ve been doing a bit more preparation for the fete. As there are going to be lots of little girls there, I thought that hair bobbles might go down well, so I’ve been making a ton of buttons to turn into bobbles. 

I think I need a few more colourful pinks etc but there’s still plenty of time for that. Its quite therapeutic making rows and rows of little buttons. Not I just need to get the elastics.


  1. They are the sweetest buttons! Nice job. Kellie xx

  2. So cute! Do you use a special button maker machine? Is that a silly question? I've never made buttons before and I'm wondering how you did it.

    Madison xxx

  3. I think I will love making things for the school fete when my girls get there in a few years time! I love the camera cases you made - great because often cameras do not come with their own case:)

  4. Hey KT, how ya doing? How did you get on with your fete? Hope all is well. Would love to swap notes :-)


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